Monday, December 29, 2008


Welcome to my site! I hope you all found your way here fairly easy. I just want to do a quick update for all of you so I'm not a fibber when I say I'm going to update it once a week. I'm actually away from Mommy and Daddy right now, so Mommy is writing this all for me.

Ashland wanted to thank all of you for making his third Christmas awesome! He had so much fun opening all of his gifts, and seeing family that he doesn't get to see all of the time. He got a new tricycle, a sled, and lots of books. He loves his trike and is waiting for some snow to fall before we can go sledding.

He is staying with Grandma and Grandpa Benner for a few days this week while Tyler and I work. Having a week of family time was wonderful!! Ashland loves being home when Mommy and Daddy are home at the same time.

I don't know how to post pictures, but as soon I learn, or when Tyler thinks of it, we will get some posted. Look back in a few days for another update (containing pictures).

Hope you all aren't blowing away! It's really windy here in Angola. We are keeping warm and grounded by taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. Thanks to all of you for making Ashland's Christmas one to remember!

Lots of Love from the Benners!