Sunday, January 18, 2009

Potty Training and Me

Christmas Break 2008 019

Helllllloooooooo! That's what an elephant that I got for Christmas says. If you've seen or read "Horton Hears a Who" You know what I'm talking about. I got the movie for Christmas and watched it for the first time this week. My favorite part is when Horton the elephant is shaking his hind end to the music. It made me laugh a lot and it makes me dance too.

Right now we're watching football at our house. The Indianapolis Colts are done playing so Mommy has so interest and the Bears are done playing for the season too, so Daddy doesn't really care either. We just like football so much that we'll watch any teams. So that's what we're spending our Sunday doing. I think Daddy has to go to work in a little bit to make some phone calls. I know for a fact that we're going to give our dog a bath. If you look back a couple of posts you can see that she is HUGE so it's a task to give her a bath. But, Mommy went to Wal Mart (and I went with her, of course) and bought a hose to put in the shower that should make it easier for us to give her a bath. I hope it works well. I'm really looking forward to seeing her get a bath.

Enough about all of that boring stuff. Here is whats up with me. You all probably saw the title that says "Potty Training and Me" when you came to visit. That's what we've been doing this weekend. Every hour mommy and daddy have been sitting me on the big boy potty to do my business. I have gone in the big boy potty about 7 times since yesterday morning. How exciting is that?!? I love going in the potty because it makes me feel like a big boy...and I get candy when I go! Mommy says that she is going to have to figure out a different reward because at the rate I'm going my teeth are going to fall out soon. I don't see what the big deal is; she only gives me two M&M's when I tinkle and 4 when I poo. I guess a sticker chart would be alright with the occassional M&M thrown in :-) Anyway, that is what I have been up to this weekend.

No church today because there was a water break at the church. We found that out after we got all ready and drove to church and there was nobody there--just a sign saying no church until next week. That's okay, it got me out of the house for a bit, and I love going bye bye. Tomorrow we are going to meet with a new babysitter. Mommy says she seems really nice. She's a little farther out of town than we want, but she seems nice and will work with Mommy's work schedule. Mom and Dad both have the day off tomorrow. Going to the new babysitter is all we have planned. Mommy keeps talking about painting and cleaning. I love cleaning but I've never painted so it could be interesting. I'll let you all know in my next post.

It's time I head out. I hope you all survived the frigid cold. It got down to -26 here the other day but we survived. We still have at least 15 inches of snow on the ground. So, if any of you in other parts of the state that are lacking snow are having snow withdrawls feels free to come visit us. We have plenty to share with you!

Trine Basketball 2009 010


Kelly said...

YAY for potty training! I hope you continue to do an amazing job! Tell mommy and daddy they can give us their diaper coupons once you no longer need them :)

Anonymous said...

Good job, Ashland. Grandma and Grandpa Benner are sooo verrry proud of you. Hope today was as successful as the weekend was regarding the potty training. It's difficult to do, but we know you will be successful. Just keep trying. A sticker chart would be an excellent idea. That way you can see all of your successes.

Be patient with Mommy and Daddy as they are learning right along with you. Sometimes "accidents" happen but that's just a learning curve. You can do it! Ditching those diapers will really make you a big boy.

We're praying the babysitter issue works out for everyone. Change can be difficult, but I'm sure the right person will come along and you will love them!

Keep smiling and keep pottying!

Grandma and Grandpa Benner